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quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

Caroline Grzywaczewski

Caroline used to be called 'Bulldozer' by neighbor kids who targeted her weight. Check out the programs she used to lose 69 pounds and 31 percent body fat!
Name: Caroline Grzywaczewski
Email: CarolionFitness@aol.com
BodySpace: Mirgle36
Caroline GrzywaczewskiCaroline Grzywaczewski
AGE 14 
 185 lbs 
AGE 19 
 116 lbs 
Post To Fitboard
Why I Decided to Transform

I used to be made fun of for my weight. The neighbor kids called me "Bulldozer" and I hated it. I was 135 pounds in the seventh grade at age 12. At age 14, my father passed away and it went downhill from there. I weighed 185 pounds as a high school freshman and couldn't find a diet that worked.
My big brother, Rob, did a bodybuilding competition a year later. I sat in the crowd, watched the figure girls strut on stage before my brother, and was in complete awe. I wanted to be them and said out loud that I would be one day. My brother said I had a long way to go, which sparked me to prove everyone wrong.
By my sophomore year of high school, at age 16, I had lost 20 pounds from researching about diets and training. As a junior, I weighed 135 pounds at age 17 and everyone noticed. I wasn't the fat girl anymore. I graduated high school and was happy, but my goal wasn't accomplished yet; I still had to compete.
I talked to local figure competitors who gave me lots of information and hired a trainer to start my journey. I stepped on stage at my first show weighing 123 pounds. My family saw me walk with complete confidence and show off the new me. It was the most empowering moment of my life. I didn't place, but I gave it my all. I competed 12 weeks later at NPC Teen Nationals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and took second place at 116 pounds.
It's crazy to think I lost a total of 60 pounds. I'm noticed every day now at the gym or when I put gas in my car. I love the new me!
How I Accomplished My Goals
Transforming wasn't easy. I was in the gym every day and held myself accountable. If I got lazy, people pushed me to my full potential. When I hired a trainer, my body really changed. I was always excited to lift with him and never gave up. I knew what I ate was healthy and that the effort would pay off.
I found my comfort zone and stepped out of it. I knew it wouldn't be easy. When I first set foot in the gym, I felt like everyone was staring at my out-of-shape body. I was scared to dip my feet into the water. Now I know why people stare at me in the gym. I'm a girl with muscles. I lift like a guy and take charge in the gym.

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